

October 23, 2023Jacob Judah Adediran

As we stand on the cusp of bidding farewell to another year, drawing ever nearer to the cherished date of December 25th, a profound sentiment envelops the hearts of nations far and wide. It is a sentiment that transcends borders, cultures, and traditions, and it heralds the advent of Christmas with its aura of hope and joy.

The approaching Christmas season bears with it the promise of good tidings and a sense of unity that unites us all in the spirit of giving and celebration. However, as we traverse the globe, a discernible shift is beginning to emerge, a transformation that warrants our contemplation and reflection. This transformation, some argue, represents the gradual relegation of Christmas from its roots as a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.

In various corners of the world, there is a growing trend—one that cannot be overlooked or dismissed lightly. It is the evolution of Christmas into a secular holiday, one that, in many instances, scarcely utters the name of Jesus Christ. As we witness this shift, it prompts us to ponder the significance of this transition and its implications for the spiritual and cultural tapestry that has woven the fabric of this holiday for centuries.

This phenomenon, the "dumbing down" of Christmas, as some have coined it, invites us to reflect on the essence of this beloved holiday and its evolution in a rapidly changing world. It calls upon us to consider the preservation of tradition while embracing the diverse interpretations and expressions of the season. In doing so, we can find the true spirit of Christmas, regardless of its form, and use it as an opportunity to foster goodwill, unity, and a sense of shared humanity.

As we move forward, let us take a moment to appreciate the grand tapestry that is the celebration of Christmas and the myriad ways in which people around the world choose to mark this special occasion. It is a time for reflection, a time for compassion, and a time to remember the values that have made Christmas a beacon of hope for generations.

Indeed, Jesus Christ stands as that radiant beacon of hope, as eloquently expressed in the Book of Colossians 1:27: "To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory." This verse encapsulates the profound spiritual significance that lies at the heart of the Christmas season.

The transformation of Christmas into a secular celebration, replete with trees, Santa Claus, magical tales, reindeer, and the exchange of presents, has become a prevailing global trend. However, for those who hold a deep reverence for the true essence of Christmas, these symbols and practices may indeed appear as distractions, even idols, that threaten to supplant the divine message of the season.

Christmas, at its core, commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, through whom we find our path to God. It is a season of grace and salvation, a moment to reflect on the extraordinary gift of love that God bestowed upon humanity. The significance of Christmas goes beyond mere tradition; it is a call to celebrate the ultimate gift of redemption, a message that should resonate with believers and non-believers alike.

Christmas, in its purest form, provides a profound opportunity to share the Gospel with those who may not yet have embraced its message of salvation. As the Bible reminds us in Acts 1:8, we are called to be witnesses "to the ends of the earth." This sacred season offers a unique platform for believers to bear witness to the transformative power of Christ's birth, to spread the message of hope and salvation, and to illuminate the path that leads to everlasting glory.

In the midst of the festive cheer and celebrations, let us not forget the true reason for the season—the birth of Jesus Christ, the embodiment of hope and the gateway to God's grace. May this Christmas be an occasion not only for joyful festivities but also for sharing the profound message of salvation and love that has endured through the ages.


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